Kern Scheduling Services - The premier scheduling and recruiting team

Testimonials From Shoppers

When I see an assignment offered through KSS International I always give it my consideration. I know that I can count on the schedulers at Kern to be organized, supply me with complete shop information, reply quickly to any questions or concerns that I might have and treat me with courtesy. I enjoy working with the individuals at Kern Scheduling because they consider their relationship with shoppers a partnership . . . a partnership that they value and work hard to maintain.

J. Cope, CA

I have worked with the scheduling team at Kern Scheduling Services since 1999. I am one of the thousands of loyal and dedicated shoppers who would go that extra-mile for Lorri Kern and her team to ensure that every location in a project is completed.

Whenever I apply for an assignment handled by Kern, I am confident that I will receive clear guidelines and a fair fee. More importantly, I know that if I have any questions or issues, I will be able to reach one of the Kern Schedulers in a matter of hours, usually much sooner. Their scheduling system is user friendly for the shoppers, and I have never had an issue with payment over the years with them. The way in which Lorri Kern and her team handle large accounts with thousands of locations with flawless execution never ceases to amaze me. They are organized and pay meticulous attention to detail.

The schedulers that work for Kern Scheduling Services are ethical and professional in every manner. I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the schedulers in person at MSPA events and found them to be as nice in person as they appear to be in their online correspondence. Just knowing that Kern Scheduling is handling a contract assures me that everything possible will be done to make the assignment a positive experience for all parties involved.

Mary Lou G., MSPA Gold Certified Shopper

When I see a posting by Kern Scheduling Services, I read it -- hoping to find my shopping areas listed. Why? Experience has taught me that KSS conducts its business not only efficiently, but also with respect and integrity. KSS will not schedule just any shop, for just any MSP. I have never seen KSS schedule any shop that disrespects a shopper's time or discounts a shopper's worth. In a way, I see a KSS posting as a seal of approval I can trust. I have accepted shops through KSS that I did not accept directly from an MSP (because the shop descriptions did not look attractive), without regrets.

I love working for a scheduling company that respects its shoppers and realizes that taking care of its shoppers is as vital as taking care of its clients.

Barbara S, San Francisco Bay Area

And your schedulers--wow, they are all the greatest. I think they all go beyond what might be expected to help in whatever way they can the shoppers. As you can tell, I am extremely pleased with KSS!

I am also impressed, but not surprised, about your statement regarding companies for which you schedule. Your ethics are outstanding and I appreciate that so much.

Donna O. Jamestown, NY

I've just recently started working with Kern and wanted to give you all a BIG THUMBS UP! The instructions you all mail out are complete and easy to read and you leave the shopper with no questions whatsoever.

I currently full-time shop for over thirty companies and Kern is by far one of the most organized scheduling situations I've come across. Just wanted to share this with you as I know that sometimes running your own business is exhausting and the "pats on the back" are sometimes few and far between.

Thanks again for the good experiences!

A. Rosenbloom, Rockville MD


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